The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is an administrative body of the Ministry of Water and Environment, which is responsible for the environment management and wildlife conservation in the Republic of Yemen. The EPA has several branches around the country with one in the Socotra Archipelago.

Socotra Governance and Biodiversity Project
For centuries, the Socotra Archipelago has been largely inaccessible. Only in the last decade have the Socotris been exposed to external development options. The opening of the Archipelago resulted in significant immigration from the mainland, certain growth of the island birth rate, unplanned development and constructions and unscrupulous resource exploitation.

Socotra Zoning Plan
The entire Socotra Archipelago is considered by the Government of Yemen and the Socotris as a special conservation area of high global importance. Therefore the Zoning Plan designing zones with different levels of nature protection was made in 2000.

The Archive contains important documents of the SCDP and the SGBP and scientific papers/articles relevant for Socotra. All documents are downloadable in pdf.more
Other Activities On Socotra

There are many environmental and development activities running on Socotra. See the list of NGOs, some of them established by the previous SCDP, and their objectives. See also basic information about other international projects implemented on Socotra with links to their websites.more